Before I begin, I would like to clarify that I am not a designer, but rather a user who has encountered various problems.
Today, I would like to discuss something that I often talk about.
Let’s consider the picture of a walkway leading to a building with a raised floor no more than 2 inches high to separate the outer and inner areas and we see this design almost everywhere, but I see it as a design that “has a significant impact on society.”
As someone who uses a wheelchair with a strong and capable body, a high raised floor like this is not a problem. However, notice that the area without a ramp needs to attach yellow stickers to “warn” people to be careful.
Now, let’s look at the positive side: Suppose this point is redesigned to be a ramp along the entire front of the building, using different colors to divide the building’s border.
What would happen when people walk by?
– Everyone, regardless of their physical condition, together can walk in and out of the building from any angle without feeling excluded.
– Everyone is safer, even if they accidentally use their phone, as they will not trip over anything and there is no need for warning stickers.
– You may not be bothered by this small raised floor today, but tomorrow, you may be able to sit and watch comfortably without any limitations.
Yes, I am talking about #InclusiveDesign, which means “design that considers everyone.”
A design that can eliminate physical differences and allow everyone to have their own life with safely and no limitation and it is important to prioritize inclusive design in all areas of life.
By doing so, we can create a more equitable and accessible world for everyone.