5 July 2021 The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities(DEP), led by Director-General, Professor Siriluck S (Architecture, Lat Krabang University), and the “Accessibility Is Freedom” team, we went to observe the construction and management of facilities at the Fashion Island mall on Ramintra Road, and also presented an award to them for being a good mall role model, with the Building Manager – Khun Apisit K and his team welcoming us.
Read More »The Meeting with Samyan Mitrtown Executives: Requested for Replacing Unsafe Platform Elevators
Since Samyan Mitrtown opening we have visited several times. We found many spots where inclined platform elevators are provided. The one linking the mall’s entrance and the MRT system is worth noting in particular. It is attached to a staircase which is as high as a two-storey building, making it totally unsafe.
Read More »Fashion Island’s Family Parking – is not just WOW but it is THE BEST in Thailand, THE BEST in the world!
Since the past many years, Fashion Island has been one of shopping malls that we’ve engaged in a deliberate consultancy. It keeps improving to match its grand goal: ‘a shopping mall for all’. Recently, we joined the meeting once again and one of the managements threw a commitment word to us, “Good is not enough guys. It must be WOW!” The situation was better now after the peak of the Corona Virus, so yesterday was my first field survey and I was shocked by what I’d seen before my eyes.
Read More »Accessible Parking: Field Observation at Tesco Lotus Khon Khaen Province
A problem and misuse regarding accessible parking exist everywhere else throughout Thailand. For the developer, their major responsibility is to correctly build it according to the legal regulation as well as keep it in good management and maintenance. We’re invited to go to Khon Khaen province for work. It’s such a lovely and unforgettable trip. After the official job, we were on our way and went exploring at a Tesco Lotus. I had made a field observation and met with in-charged people as well as their management executive to discuss this topic of accessible parking. It’s delighted that they’d already recognised this …
Read More »We have a talk with a MBK’s management for the priority parking and accessible facilities solutions
11 Aug 2017 MBKHave a good chance to visit here at MBK shopping mall for dealing with its priority parking. According to the topic, I met with a MBK’s Security Division Manager to highlight the issues in order to make it right as fast as possible. Since MBK is one of the most well-known shopping malls in very city center, I think it is necessary for them to correct these important works as soon and proper as possible. They could be a good role model and gain real positive image. Due to the information on hand, MBK got all the …
Read More »The priority car parking problem, more than special rules need for our country
Seacon Srinakarindra One of the best ranking on the accessible facilities on our board since for a long time. I went there 2 days ago, at the new car park building lower floor there were cars were fully parked. I went up to the higher floor to find a free space. Since from the beginning, I’ve never touched the one are doing fine instead I always cheering up them. I saw they’re been doing a very good job, provided a very good priority parking and facilities.
Read More »Brand New Seacon Square Sri-na-ka-rin after the renovation, Fully Accessible Facilities, the best priority car parking & excellent service
Seacon Square Sri-na-ka-rin, during the past 2015 – 2017, Seacon Square, Sri-na-ka-rin has been significantly improving its priority parking as well as accommodation facilities. After hearing that it’s fully reopened in service, I set myself to take a tour there: The new improved list. New Parking Building: providing 2,500 capability Disable Parking: located right next to the entrance of each floor. Its standard was so good as always. Disable Parking Capability: as I observed, there were 5 lots only on the first floor, and 2 lots for each remaining floor. Mall entrance: designed to serve for both stair and slope. …
Read More »Priority Car Parking at Central Grand Rama 9 Supers, Well Done!!!
Central Grand Rama IX I went there since last Thursday. The image was taken place on the 3rd floor during its closing time, not during the day. I asked security guards about any abuses of disabled parking. They replied that most of the time were quite empty. Almost no one illegally parked on it, only just sometimes which the security guard would definitely immediately check. This answer made me feel so delightful.
Read More »Fortune Town has already installed elevator at the front of the mall enabled PWDs to get easier access to the metro train!!!
Fortune Town I have to say that disable lift is essentially an useful accessible facility that I have been waiting for long time for it to be installed here. Previously, when people with special needs want to get access to the connected MRT subway, they must take a very detour to pass on a slope in order to get to it. Approximately, the total distance is about 300 meters which is greatly far, totally uncomfortable, and time-consuming, especially if you are on a wheelchair. However, recently, I heard the news that it has been done completely. So I didn’t waste …
Read More »Priority Parking Survey at Central EastVille for the first time
CPN has continually opened its new department store on suburb areas of Bangkok, according to its plan. I once had a chance to meet with CPN’s management to address a priority parking’s issue. I am confident that they are coming up with good result on this issue as well as other concerns such as accessible facilities.
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