FOODLAND’s Constant Improvement on Priority Parking to Meet the Regulations

According to my previous post, after I reported the issue, I received their feedback so fast just within 3 days stated that “We’re fixing it.” Then I rushed to give them some useful information about what good accessibility should look like and present my own opinions on how to build solid foundation on accessibility in the long-run. So far, the result is quite impressive as seen on the above picture. But there are some concerns as followings;

  1. Priority Parking: total parking of 87 lots, on progress of making 2 priority parking.
  2. Accessible Restroom: has been improving for a year. Before that, I personally didn’t want to use it unless I had no choice as its standard was terrible. It’s so dirty and inconvenient. Now that I have to say there are lots of positive improvement, but still some points to be considered;
    1. A barrier should be provided along the walkway
    2. There is a step at the entrance which prevent accessibility
    3. Inclined mirror.
    4. Push button on emergency
    5. Lack of right design of garbage And other miniature mistakes

I would like to thank FOODLAND for its continuous improvement for the public. We hope them to take this into account for all branches by using this lovely branch of Sri-na-karin as a benchmark for new higher standard.
I want to spread my voice for a better priority parking for all of us. You can also easily find out more for a section of “Excellent Priority Parking” like Seaconsqaure Srinakarin as

And believe me FOODLAND, all good deeds you do will return to you yourself sooner or later.
You get what you give!

About saba

เราจะเป็น #หนึ่งพลัง ร่วมเปลี่ยนแปลงสังคม We will be THE ONE who change our country[มานิตย์ ซาบะ อินทร์พิมพ์][Manit Saba Intharapim][マニト・サバ・インサラピム]