Personally, I always give priority for educational purpose. When some educational institutions contacted me to give a talk to their students, I would accept it most of the time. Anyway, before I jump into it, I would screen whether the students showed their motivation for learning, that they really wanted to gain better understanding and expand their knowledge. If I realized they’re willing to do so, I always gave them my best.
However, I didn’t think providing them all direct answers was a good idea. It’s not efficient just to be a purely passive learner. Instead, I rather only gave them open-ended guidance, inspired some thoughtful insights, and sparked particular topics for their further brainstorming. As I personally believed, any thoughts they crystalized by their own way of thinking would last longer, and embedded, in their mind than receiving from external sources.
“When Bangkok Metro Train is opportunity. How could we make it accessible for everyone?” This was a next step after two weeks ago, group of lecturers at Rang-sit University along with many universities holding an event “The 33th organism and the walk of life”. They brought what they got into narration.
For me, firstly I intended to listening students’ opinion. But I had changed my mind because I just wanted to pave them some accurate information and right attitude as a fundamental understanding before going on the further thinking process. That’s why I prepared this presentation as you can see and download here: (Download Link)
I was proud of the students to be able to hold the seminar successfully and beautifully. Moreover, I would like to deliver my acknowledgment to Ministry of Transport’s representative for attending the seminar and shared some valuable experiences, those masterful lecturers and advisors from Tham-ma-sat University, and, last but not least, the incredible students who proved to have a bright future. I’m always on your side to supporting all of you. (My apology if I missed to mention someone.)