Bangkok, Thailand:
The first minute meeting between me and T4A, Traffic and Transportation Department (of Bangkok Government), BTS and related organisations (since 03/16/2018)
- All those elevators at BTS’s stations must be unlocked and fixed. The BTS stations without elevators must have them installed.
- The BTS should not require every disabled person to sign in before using the BTS’s services. If, for safety reasons, the BTS should ask-first on a case by case basis.
- The elevator that was damaged by the fire at the On-Nuch BTS station is being replaced very soon.
- Good news! The city of Bangkok will approve a contingency funding to improve the BTS stations which have elevators service at the street level on only one side of the road.
- Accessibility Is Freedom / T4A member and the executives in the organisations involved will visit the stations, together to do the survey together.
- The “Issues Tracking Sheet” will be released for the public soon.
I would like to thank the Bangkok government representative, all related org and BTS.
I hope this elevator issue will be resolved soon, because this is not just a problem for people with disabilities.
Everyone of us deserves access to transport infrastructure, and to be able to travel is a basic Human Right.
This elevator issue should be addressed as a Thai Government’s concern.
Those promises don’t mean a thing, we need make sure they are going to keep their promises.
And we need to spread the news and help each other to fix the problem.