PM 2.5, along with other fine particles and air pollutants, continues to impact us more severely. One of the major causes is traffic and vehicle emissions.
Public transportation in Bangkok, especially metro trains, and buses, has improved significantly over the past decade.
Today, the metro systems connect nearly every corner of the city, and bus services have expanded as well. Urban development in other areas, such as sidewalk improvements, has also progressed noticeably.
As a wheelchair user, I can confidently say that my travel challenges are far greater than most people’s and over the past 10 years, I’ve reduced my use of private vehicles to less than 10%.
While air pollution is a regional-scale issue, like most problems, its root cause and solution ultimately lie with us as individuals.
By using public transportation more frequently, walking more, and adopting alternative modes of travel, we can see immediate and tangible benefits. We’ll gain a clearer view of our city, appreciate it in greater detail, and most importantly, breathe cleaner air while becoming healthier and stronger.
I understand that everyone has different circumstances. However, if we wait for everything to be perfectly aligned, we’ll continue living amidst toxic air pollution indefinitely.
So, let’s make the effort, reduce our reliance on private vehicles, and proudly share our accomplishments!