This photo was taken during the Khon Kaen Marathon last year. I joined the race because I love the race and friends, just like what this picture captures.
The picture shows that everyone is a runner, each with different physical condition—some older, some younger, some with short legs, others with long ones and I’m just a runner with my wheelchair. Regardless of these differences, we can run together and compete, just like in real life.
I’ve been joining the marathons events for several years now, competing without any special considerations or exceptions. It’s no different from how I live my life every day.
This particular moment left a deep impression on me. I clearly remember tackling the long climb at Mor Din Daeng, in front of Khon Kaen University. The road was endless!
Three days before the race, I injured my right wrist. Despite intense care, it wasn’t fully healed, and I still felt occasional sharp pain. By the time this photo was taken, I had already covered about 35 kilometers, and my wrist was nearly done for. With the remaining distance, all I could do was push through and maintain until the finish line. The course was full of hills, but it was so much fun. I’ll come back stronger next time!
If we set our minds to believe that “we are equal,” eventually, the physical differences between us will disappear from our hearts.