The answer is “NO”. The cost of the installation of elevators and ramps on every access point on every station account for just about 1% of the whole project’s cost. To say, no matter the cost, this is a thing that needs to be done. There is no excuse of not doing that and even the law has regulated this clearly since 13 years ago. Importantly, given this emphasis, the Prime Minister has stated firmly that “We won’t leave anyone behind.”
Read More »Why the disability rights activists and networks make a prosecution to Bangkok’s MRT Purple Line?
Because it fails to provide, by law, the accessible infrastructure and its additional supports with perfect conditions which make PWDs, as well as less-abled persons, difficulties in getting access with maximum comfort and safety. This is especially true on elevators, with its ramps, in which there are only two of them installed on each station although each station comprises of four entrances-and-exits.
Read More »The disability rights activists and networks issuing a prosecution toward MRT Purple Line. The Declaration of Thailand’s National Day of Persons with Disabilities.
The disability rights activists and networks issuing a prosecution toward MRT Purple Line. The Declaration of Thailand’s National Day of Persons with Disabilities. Thailand’s law has been composed clearly regarding the provision of accessible infrastructure and public services. Thailand’s Prime Ministers, from former to current generations, have regarded this as necessity with the responsive awareness from the Minister of Transports. Although they realise that the provision of accessible infrastructure and its additional supports would approximately account for just less than 3% of a whole project’s cost, and although they recognise that this is such an essential element that every one …
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